Elementary Principal
Mr. Peter Mahan

School Secretaries
Ms. Karen Overbaugh
Ms. Aimee Morse

Attendance/Bus Notes Clerk

The office can be reached at 518-966-5070 ext. 301.


The Main Office is located just inside the front entrance.

Visitors and guests are always welcome at Scott M. Ellis Elementary School. In order to maintain a safe and orderly environment for students and their teachers, we ask that, when possible, classroom visits are arranged in advance so disruptions to instruction are kept to a minimum. Please remember that teachers are expected to not use class time to discuss individual matters. All guests must sign our guest register and will be given a visitor’s badge to wear, and may be required to show picture identification. Visitors will be asked to wait for office staff to call the child’s teacher before sending visitors to the classroom. We require that guests go directly to the location listed on our guest register and return directly to the Main Office prior to going to another location in the building

The main office must be notified whenever a student is late or absent, or if an early dismissal is required. Students are considered tardy when entering the building after 8:10 a.m. If your child is absent, a written note indicating the reason for the absence should accompany the child upon his/her return to school. Notes can be emailed to


The Health Office is on the main floor. The Elementary nurses are Mrs. Gardiner and Ms. Erin Hoyt and they can be contacted at 966-5070 ext. 320.

Please notify the school's health office if your child has a health problem or allergies. No medication of any kind (including over the counter medication) can be administered without written permission from the doctor and parent. A prescription bottle/container with the name of the child, dosage, name of the medication, and the name of the doctor is required. All medication must be brought into the health office by the parent or guardian.

If you wish your child to have pierced earrings - please take care of this during the summer. Students are required to remove earrings for Physical Education and should be capable of doing this task themselves.


The Scott M. Ellis Library Media Center serves approximately 500 students and the school’s faculty members. All students are able to enjoy the library, borrow books, and learn about the use of library facilities. The library’s open, flexible schedule allows students and staff access for a variety of purposes beyond book selection. The school librarian, Ms. Persico, collaborates with teachers to support research and curriculum goals.

The Library Media Center is an integral part of the educational program at the Scott M. Ellis Elementary School. The library program enriches and supports the school curriculum and the Common Core State Standards by providing students and teachers with a wide range of materials and services, including eBooks and database access. The librarian acquires and maintains a balanced collection of resources to meet the needs of the users. Our library program fosters a positive environment where children feel comfortable using library resources and where a love of reading is promoted. Students also learn research skills necessary to complete projects which support classroom goals.