April 6, 2020

Good morning Greenville Middle School!

Happy Monday!  

Congratulations to the following students whose Greenville Green was selected for our weekly PBIS reward.  

These students will receive their reward when we are back in school.

Keep up the great work everyone as we had 85 students receive a Greenville Green last week for being Spartan Strong!!   

If anyone forgot to send me their school spirit picture from Friday, please feel free to still email it to me today. 

Please continue to look for new emails or announcements from Google Classroom for assignments.  If you have any questions please make sure that you email your teacher, teaching assistant or me and we will get back to you. 

Have a great day!  

Mr. Reeve

Morning Message:

TAKING ACTION - Citizenship 

Do you ever watch or read about the news and worry about what you see? Are you concerned about violence, homelessness, war? Have you ever wondered about the state of our nation? 

Now listen to these words from former President Dwight D. Eisenhower:

There is nothing wrong with America that faith, love of freedom, intelligence, and energy of her citizens cannot cure. 

So if you are concerned about our nation, our school, our community, remember this: You have the intelligence and the energy to make a difference. Volunteer to help those in need. Commit a random act of kindness or take a stand for something you believe in. Don't ever think you are powerless, because __ as President Eisenhower reminds us __ each of us has the power to make a difference.

With something to think about, this is Mr. Reeve reminding you to Be Kind, Be Responsible, Be The Best You Can Be. The choice is yours. Have a great day!

 Helping Students Make Wiser Choices Project Wisdom®